During the process of being a blog writer based on the latest issues in publication and design, I have come across of the whole learning materials that acquire in this blog.
The skills that I am developing throughout that process of blogging is relating to social semiotics in which I a form of questions rather than given answers. It gives us ideas to continue to "revise" on the content and think through it based on our own conclusions (Leeuwen, 2005). Throughout the whole process, I collect, revise, analyze, justify, critique and so forth on these related issues based on new resources and even existing resources.
For instance, a blogger is similar as writer. We should always take note of little details in copyright issue, citation, and defamation. This is because a blog is a public portal for everyone access to it, it is very crucial to write a blog post just like a professional writer. Next, being a blogger is also a culture writer. Every culture is different in certain manner in terms of languages, lifestyle, and so forth.
At the end of the day, a blogger is not just having a good writing skill, but is able to engage with readers to relate with the topic.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Media Issue #4: How Social Media, Internet Changed Experience of Japan Disaster
Dorian Benkoil, the writer of "How Social Media, Internet Changed Experience of Japan Disaster" on Media Shift (2011) discusses how social media change the traditional journalism to another form of writing. Based on the event of Japan's earthquake in Kobe, indeed, we are praying for the country; however, the power of social media has taking over the new form of journalism. Here we have multi-platform experience today, we can just stay at home or office to watch the latest news, most of the channels such as ABC, Fox, CNN and BBC are available on cable TV. People no longer reading the newspaper, it is not only update slower than online news, but also increasing the usage of papers. Besides that, on Facebook or Twitter are also another highest social network sharing site, now we are able to read latest Facebook's status on date, reports, informations, etc.
In today's world, news in media are changing rapidly, from traditional news that involve deadlines and top down reporting. These media stations are expensive to broadcast, with certain limitations in between advertising and business market (Beckett & Mansell, 2007). On the other hand, new form journalism is cover more than expected in new media world. They are no limitations in timing, air space, and no need to hold accountability on certain issue. For instance, anyone can post anything on their status, post a note, comment and share to anyone.
The good thing is the Internet is available in different tools of sharing, such as blogs (Blogger, Wordpress), social networks (Facebook, Twitter), websites and cyber communities. People have the freedom on discussing their lives through online world without costing them at all (Livingstone & Bober, 2005). Castells (2001) also argues the digitalize world increase the close-ness of the space between the world and people, however Bauman (2000) and Beck (1992) contrast the risk of mind is revolving beneath such complicated spaces of new form of journalism. (cited in Beckett & Mansell, 2007).
Benkoil, D 2011, How Social Media, Internet Chaged Experience of Japan Disaster, 15 March, Media Shift, viewed 10 June 2011, <http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2011/03/how-social-media-internet-changed-experience-of-japan-disaster-074.html>.
Beckett, C & Mansell, R 2007, Crossing Boudaries: New Media and Networked Journalism, London School of Economics, viewed 9 June 2011, <http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/4221/1/Crossing_boundaries-new_media_and_networked_journalism(LSERO).pdf>.
Livingstone, S & Bober, M 2005, UK Children Go Online: Final report of Key Project Fndings, report prepared for ESRC project, London School of Economics and Political Science, viewed 10 June 2011, < http://personal.lse.ac.uk/bober/UKCGOfinalReport.pdf>.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Media Issue #3: Angry Birds: 200m downloads are the tip of the mobile gaming iceberg
(Source: www.guardian.co.uk)
The angry birds fever has been increasing around the world. I bet no one do not know what is Angry Birds, it started playing as iPhone's game which developed by Rovio Mobile. Today, the rate of purchasing or free download are rank from 200m to 35m. Truly, Angry Birds is not a huge success aross the world, it is not only played by iPhone's user but also Android's user, and even majority of the smartphones are having this mobile game at least one series of Angry Birds' version.
People see Angry Birds as an entertainment to kill times, up to 50% and 75% of iPhone's users are playing Angry Birds on their device. It is still the top purchased game on App Store by Apple. In fact, the App Store actually provides countless of mobile game, but what makes Angry Birds so addictive to us? Partly, because we are living in the smart phones' phenomenon which people is talking about touch screen, immediate internet access, mobile gaming, chatting, etc. Obviously, all of these reminds us one thing which is Apple.
Now, this issue leads to the new media ecosystem by complementary to traditional communication activities and used by organizations who recognize the social characteristics of effective communication. For example, blogs, RSS, Podcasts, Vlogs, etc. Today, the new media ecosystem is all about engaging, communicate, connecting, developing, influencing, empowering and building a genuine community and publics. However, Hobson (n.d.) also mentions the new media ecosystem cannot replace all the traditional media especially on public relations industry. Tools like press release, brochures, bulletin, websites, etc are still crucial for media to build or rebrand a company.
Speaking of Angry Birds, it is such a popularity of viral marketing about their products and brands. Viral marketing is now generating new idea that excite people's mind, the message that is "viral" is spreading relentlessly to millions as one of the marketing strategy. For instance, Angry Birds is a "contagious media" around us, we see Angry Birds' game on iPhone, merchandise like soft toys, smartphone's casing; these are the "viral marketing" that contagious and trigger everyones' interest. Viral marketing "is a much easier to tell stories about than to implement." (Watts, et al, 2011).
In terms of audience expectations on these new media, it happens on different audiences, different contexts, and different times. For example, we now are able to watch video through social media without turning on our television at night. The social platform is provides different expectations and usability to audiences based on age or lifestyle (Bradshaw, 2011).
Bradshaw, P 2011, Session report-Changing audience expectations and behavior, 20 May, BBC, viewed 11 June 2011, <http://www.bbc.co.uk/journalism/blog/2011/05/audience-behaviour.shtml>.
Dredge, S 2011, Angry Birds: 200m Downloads are the Tip of The Mobile Gaming Iceberg, 19 May, The Guardian, viewed 11 June 2011, <http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/appsblog/2011/may/19/iphone-game-stats>.
Hobson, N n.d., The New Media Ecosystem: Conversations, Influence and You, viewed 11 June 2011, <http://www.nevillehobson.com/pubfiles/downloads/051020_NewMedia_FEIEA.pdf>.
Watts, D.J, Peretti, J & Frumin, M 2011, Viral Marketing for the Real World, viewed 11 June 2011, <http://www.itu.dk/people/rkva/2011-Spring-EB22/readings/watts2007_viralmarketing.pdf>.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Media Issue #2: Plagiarism: The Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V boom
(Source: www.bbc.co.uk)
Does academic takes originally to build? What is plagiarize? Merriam Webster Dictionary defines "plagiarize" as stealing or passing off (ideas or words of another) as one's own or use another's work without crediting the source. According to BBC News, not only students are crossing the boundaries, a German minister also commits plagiarism on his doctoral thesis and Colonel Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam also make an unknown writer as his own PhD thesis. Imagine that, plagiarism is totally out of control (BBC, 2011).
However, these are only the cases we saw on the news, the issue of plagiarism in the world of academia and publishing has been around for years. Everyone can access to Internet anytime and anywhere, students use Internet to find sources in order to support their writings, the truth is are they use these sources as reference or make as theirs? Although there is a computer programme called Turnitin to detect plagiarism essay, but it is still a machine. The best lie detector is human, through observation and being sharp on catching grammars, vocabulary, writing style etc.
Not just happening in academia, but also in the world of publishing, such as journalist and editor. The problem of plagiarism is increasing day after day and it is uncontrollable. In fact, Helene Hegemann argues that "There's no such thing as originality anyway, just authenticity." What she means is from copying to mixing can make a different. Indeed, there are people who agree with her statement, but what about the high standard in academic level?
Hence, whether you are writing for publication or academic, always remember to avoid plagiarism. The choice is up to us as a writer. First, use quotation mark (" ") on phrases of certain works from someone else and cite them appropriately (Blancett, 1993 & King et al., 1997). Rogers (1993) also advices that we should always consult any expert authors, editors, related professionals to avoid plagiarism.
Judy Hunter from Grinnel College states the three reasons why citation is important:
1. When you wrote a new idea, you want others' to cite you if they use use credit. Hence, citing sources is important because these ideas are belongs to the academia.
2. If you use someones' idea without credit them, you are violating the person's ownership of the particular idea. If is unfair to the original source if you steel it.
3. These "new" ideas are the trace of the genealogy ideas. This is because when you do not cite the sources in a correct way, your new idea which also inspired from someone else's idea is unable to trace back when your "new ideas" are passing down to the next generation.
Of course, being an ethical writer is rather contradicting. In general, integrity is the reason to being ethical. A piece of your work should comes from integrity, then credibility, and last, people read the essence of your writing. There is no need to argue what is right or wrong, conflicting is why people are having interest on these issues. Indeed, the Clt+C and Clt+V is the new form of writing, just remember: Ethical, Copyright and Integrity (Sivek, 2010).
Plagiarism: The Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V boom, 2 March, BBC News, viewed 7 June 2011, <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12613617>.
King, C.R., et al. 1997, Peer Review, authorship, ethics, and conflict of interest, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, vol. 29, p. 163-167.
Biancett, S.S. el al. 1995, Duplicate publication in the nursing literature, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, vol. 27, p. 52-56.
Rogers, B 1993, Using the words and works of other, A commentary, AAOHN Journal, vol. 41, p. 46-49.
Sivek, S.C. 2010, The Ethics of Digital Magazine Advertising, Media Shift, viewed 7 June 2011, <http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2010/04/the-ethics-of-digital-magazine-advertising-118.html>.
Hunter, J n.d., The Importance of Citation, Grinnell College, viewed 7 June 2011, <http://web.grinnell.edu/Dean/Tutorial/EUS/IC.pdf>.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Media Issue #1: Berita Harian Issues Public Apology Over Tsunami Cartoon
(Source: http://www.japanprobe.com)
The insensitive issue towards Tsunami events occur on Malaysian newspaper, Malay Daily (Berita Harian) in March 2011. The publication of Ultraman, a famous cartoon from Japan since all everyones' childhood memories. They portray the Ultraman tries to escape from Tsunami and earthquake that kills Japan and thousands of people. Mohd Zohri Sukimi also know as Zoy os the cartoon artist who draw the Ultraman running away from Tsunami causes many readers' discomfort, anger, and shameful as this action is completely insensitive and immature. After all, the Malay Mail (Berita Harian) publishes an apology on website, Twitter and even Facebook after getting all the demand of apologize.
Many might think this cartoon is funny or entertaining, but, think as a victim of Tsunami earthquake in Japan. Imagine yourself seeing this picture of Ultraman running away from disaster? These victims are living in pain right now, they been through lost; their lives, family, friends, future...
Many might think this cartoon is funny or entertaining, but, think as a victim of Tsunami earthquake in Japan. Imagine yourself seeing this picture of Ultraman running away from disaster? These victims are living in pain right now, they been through lost; their lives, family, friends, future...
Speaking of ethical publishing issue, I strongly disagree with how Malay Daily did this to Japan. When a writer submit a draft, they should follow a certain guidelines or rules to avoid any offensive cases that similar to the case mentioned above. Biancett (1993) mentions about writers should designate to their editor whether they have publish any article that cause intellectual conflict of interest (cited in King, n.d.). In addition, as a journalist, Keeble (2005) believes in rather than facing mainstream only, there are also media's specific on intellectual, political and moral standpoint to be concerned.
In short, I think this is a shame when a joke causes hurtful memories to people who in pain. When comes to ethical publishing, as a writer, integrity is rather important than carry ourselves as a profession.
In short, I think this is a shame when a joke causes hurtful memories to people who in pain. When comes to ethical publishing, as a writer, integrity is rather important than carry ourselves as a profession.
Wong, PM 2011, Berita harian issues Public Apology Over tsunami Cartoon, The Star Online, viewed 7 June 2011, <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/3/14/nation/8262608&sec=nation>.
King, CR n.d., Ethical Issues In Writing & Publishing, viewed 6 June 2011, <http://www.ons.org/Publications/CJON/AuthorInfo/WritingSupp/Ethics/>.
Biancett, S.S 1993, Who Is Entitled To Authorship?, Journal of Nursing Adminsitration, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 3.
Keeble, R 2005, Communication Ethic Today, Troubador Publishing, United Kingdom, viewed 6 June 2011, <http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=9LLnFThmdJEC&oi=fnd&pg=PA15&dq=media+publishing+ethical+issue&ots=0KRE9PPe0e&sig=dFY_jZ3FzVKshAL3OR10FJEcow4#v=onepage&q=media%20publishing%20ethical%20issue&f=false>.
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